Review of Tenses
تجدون هنا ملخصا لكيفية تصريف الأفعال
ينبغي معرفة جميع تصاريف الأفعال مع التركيز علىpast pefect and future perfect
ينبغي معرفة جميع تصاريف الأفعال مع التركيز علىpast pefect and future perfect
معرفة لائحةIrregular Verbs ضرورية

TENSES | FORMS (Affirmative - A/Negative - N Question - Q) | USE | TIME PHRASES | |
INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) | PRESENT | A: I work. He/she/it works. You/we/they work. N: I do not (don’t) work. He/she/it does not (doesn’t) work_. You/we/they do not (don’t) work. Q: Do I work? Does he/she/it work_? Do you/we/they work? | 1-to talk about general truth and permanent actions(facts): The Earth rotates round its axis. It rains a lot in autumn. I speak English and French. 2-to talk about repeated, customary actions: He gets up at 8 o’clock every morning. They never listen to their teacher. 3-to talk about a planned future action (a timetable or schedule ) The train leaves at 3 tomorrow. | always, every day/month/yearnever, often, normally, seldom, sometimes, usually, twice a week/day…, all the time |
PAST | A: I worked /went. He/she/it worked/went. You/we/they worked/went . N: I did not (didn’t) work_/go. He/she/it did not (didn’t) work_/go. You/we/they did not (didn’t) work_/go. Q: Did I work_/go? Did he/she/it work_/go? Did you/we/they work_/go? | 1-to talk about actions performed in the past (with finished time expressions): I met my friend yesterday. Did you go to the seaside last summer? 2-to talk about a succession of past actions (stories): He opened the door, switched on the light and fed his cat. 3- to talk about an action taking place in the middle of another action: He fell asleep while the teacher was explaining new grammar rules. | yesterday, 2 minutes/hours/days/years ago, in 1970, the other day, last month/year/ week/ Sunday | |
FUTURE | A: I/we shall*/ will work. He/she/it will work. You/they will work. N: I/we shall not (shan’t) * work will not (won’t) work. He/she/it will not (won’t) work. You/they will not (won’t) work. Q: Shall/will I/we work? Will he/she/it work? Will you/they work? | 1-to talk about future actions: I’ll call you tomorrow. Mary will get a present next month. 2-to predict the future (with probably, I expect..., I'm sure..., (I) think..., don't think, I wonder..., perhaps) I think it will rain tomorrow. Perhaps she'll be late. I don't think the exam will be very difficult. 3- to express intention at the moment of decision: Do you like these shoes? - Yes, I'll buy them. 4-in the 1st type of conditional sentences If the weather is fine, we’ll go to the country. | tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, one of these days, next week/month/ year etc., soon, in the near future, some day, in two days/five minutes/a month etc. |
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