samedi 11 juin 2011


هذا موضوع حول دور المواطن role of the citizen  في الحد من  التلوث pollution و الإنحباس الحراري global warming
المطلوب تغيير الجمل الملونة من  active voice إلى passive voice
الإنشاء على شكل مقال صحفي

 Global warming is threatening our earth. A phenomenon which is increasing daily and causing natural disasters. Scientists attribute it to the high levels of pollution and argue that the only way to reduce it is to cut down pollution. We, as individual citizens, can do a lot to take part in this process.
     Genuine citizenship involves avoiding any behaviour likely to harm our community at all scales, especially by keeping our environment safe. People should avoid creating too much waste in all its forms. This can be done by recycling things and avoiding ‘over-packaging’ of purchases. Another measure could be reducing the use of motor vehicles. People shouldn’t use cars for all their errands. It would be better to use public transports or practice carpooling. This way, we can reduce gas emissions. Also we could resort to renewable energies such as solar energy to meet some of our needs. These types of energy have the advantage of being cleaner and safer for the environment.
    In brief, there are many things which each individual can do to reduce pollution. However the main thing to bear in mind is that the future of our planet is at stake and many species have already suffered the effects of global warming and the turn of humans is certainly coming.

الحل قريبا

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